Sunday, August 22, 2010

Trip 3

Seem like I was just here, but I'm back now for round 3.

I flew from Chicago to Beijing this time, leaving around 8PM Central. The entertainment system was on fritz so I it was 13.5 hours of silence. Good thing I had a book.

Not sure if it was the lack of diversions or timing but this time I actually slept on the plane and arrived in Beijing at 11PM Saturday. The family sitting behind me showed up at the same hotel three minutes after I arrived --- weird in a city this big (stalkers).

The in room snack involved the multi-colored cookie cakes with cream filling. Think I've seen these before.

It's been raining so the skies are clear and its pretty cool. Hey! this place is surrounded by mountains!

I am headed back to the airport this afternoon to meet up with my colleagues and travel to the Anhui province. We're not 100% sure where we are going as our Chinese business partners have made all the arrangements. Just hoping for some tasty weird things to eat!

More later.

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